Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The New York Jets In Your Community


     The New York Jets(New York Jets Jerseys) take great pride in playing an active role in making a year-round commitment to the tri-state community.

      Programs funded by the New York Jets Foundation touch the lives of countless young men and women in the tri-state area. Over the past eleven years, the Jets and their charitable foundation have raised or contributed more than $11 million to promote youth health, fitness and education, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

    From fighting childhood obesity through the Generation Jets: Be Lean & Green initiative to launching a football team in an urban high school, urging students to cat right and move more, and supporting the efforts of the Alli-ance for Lupus Research, the New York Jets invest in programs that make a difference in the lives of others. In addition to the Jets Foundation, which supports our own extensive youth initiatives, the Jets partner with numerous established charitable organi-zations and participate in causes sponsored by the NFL.

     Launched in 2006, the Eat Right, Move More campaign is a joint effort bet wween the Jets and the New Jersey Department of Agriculture to encourage New Jersey school children to take advantage of healthy foods in their school cafeterias and become more active. The campaign also challenges schools to submit their meal menus to detenninc the five schools with the most creative meal selections each year. One of the five winning schools will be awarded the grand prize of a $5,000 grant for a cafeteria makeover and be recognized on field at a Jets home game.

                                     Alliance for Lupus Research

       The New York Jets organization is deeply committed to supporting the Alliance for Lupus Research (ALR)-a national voluntary health organization based in New York City, founded in 1999 and chaired by Robert Wood Johnson IV, a member of the founding family of Johnson & Johnson and owner of the New York Jets.

      The ALR's mission is to find better treatments and ultimately prevent and cure systemic lupus erythcmatosus(SLE, or lupus), a debilitating autoimmune disease, by supporting the most promising and innovative lupus research. To date, the ALR has committed over $65 million to lupus research projects at the most prestigious universities, medical schools and hospitals throughout the world.
Heads Up!

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